Progenitor Art & Literary Journal  is a national-award-winning collegiate publication that is a cornerstone of Arapahoe Community College's art and literary life. We are located in Littleton, Colorado. 


Send us your best! We are open for submissions in the below-listed genres. 

Progenitor Art and Literary Journal, published annually, is the work of two Spring semester courses that students at our college take, Literary Magazine (Curation Team) and Multimedia and Graphic Design Studio (Design Team), respectively.

Our submission window is necessarily brief, and usually within the approximate first couple of weeks of February.  

Specific guidelines for each genre are detailed in the category submission area. 

Thank you to all of our submitters! We truly look forward to reading your best, and are honored to have the opportunity to do so. Our staff is working hard to curate an incredible edition of the Progenitor Art and Literary Journal, here on the eve of our 60th Anniversary Edition!

Our annual "Release Celebration and Reading" is scheduled to be held on Thursday, May 8th, 2025 beginning at 5:30pm in the Colorado Gallery of the Arts, and open to all. Attendees receive a free copy of the new book.  

Those whose works are chosen for publication, aka "Contributors" will be invited to read from their written work or to present their art in person at the event.    

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The Progenitor Art & Literary Journal

Each year, our publication sources the best of the best through a blind reading and committee approach. Thus, student status does not influence our selection; indeed, we publish works from amateur and professional writers and artists from all over the world annually. Yet, we highly encourage students at Arapahoe Community College, and within the Colorado Community College System (CCCS), and of all the colleges and universities in Colorado to submit.  

We are honored to accept submissions from our students, the wider communities around Colorado, and all around the globe for our Art & Literary Journal in the genres of Poetry, Short Story (fiction), Flash Fiction, Creative Nonfiction (CNF), Flash Memoir, 10-Minute Plays (drama), Art (all genres considered, e.g. woodworking, paintings, ceramics, digital art not produced by AI, and so on) and Photography, and Illustrated (graphic) Stories and Comics.

The students who serve on the Progenitor staff work to publish the best of the works they are presented with. Their hard work results in the journal you receive at the end of the semester. A collaborative effort takes place between our contributors and the editors, who are united in their mission to share stories across mediums—written and visual.

Previously, volume 57 (2022) was awarded an "Honorable Mention" for Best Literary Magazine by the prestigious Pinnacle Awards given by the College Media Association, a national organization widely recognized as the best. We tied for fourth, and appeared to be the only two-year college placing in this national competition! You can still explore our work on this volume below. 

Website for v. 57

You can also check out our beautiful site which flaunts the excellence of our 2019 edition, as well as the website from our 2020 edition

The Progenitor Art & Literary Journal has been published each Spring semester at ACC for the past 59 years (including during the onset of the pandemic in Spring of 2020). Our journal publishes the best submissions it receives from ACC students and community members, near and far. Find out more about the Progenitor at our Progenitor Art & Literary Journal website. 

Email with any questions you may have. 

For the 60th Edition, Progenitor is accepting submissions from February 5th to the 16th, 2025 at midnight.  


International Community: We are disappointed to announce that due to exorbitant shipping costs, coupled with a reduction in our budget, we are no longer able to ship "contributor copies" outside of the US. We will still accept your submissions, and we are happy to publish the ones that our staff chooses through our blind review process, but we cannot send you copies of the book. 

We will, however, email you the pdf of the finished product, and you can, if you wish, pay to have books shipped to you. Also, if there are funds unexpectedly remaining, we will attempt to ship you a couple of copies. 

Our sincere apologies for this policy change. 

~Jamey Trotter

Faculty Advisor  


Please submit your poetry here!  All work must be original and unpublished, and without use of any AI assistance whatsoever. 

You may submit only one submission to the Poetry genre, with up to three poems included in that one submission--please upload each poem as its own file, ideally saved by the title name.  

Your name must not appear on the manuscript or as part of the manuscript file name. While there's no length-limit to a given poem, please note that we tend to publish poetry that doesn't exceed two printed pages. 

Before you submit, you'll be asked to complete a form, where we ask for your: submission title (give titles of each of the three poems)/ name/ email address/ mailing address/ and a 25 word author bio. 

In the author bio, we're just looking to share a little something about you if we publish your work. Our list of contributors is lengthy but we like to put your name and bio in our book--thus, the 25-word limit. 

Following the bio, if you have an author site you'd like to share, cut-n-paste it there. We will try to include the link in the online version of our book site.  

Also, please include a telephone number by which we can reach you! 

Then, you'll upload your (up to) three poetry files. 

To then submit, click the Submit button. 

Please remember to proofread your work carefully before submitting. We will notify you through the Submittable system whether your work has been accepted or declined, within 3-6 weeks after the submission period has ended. 

Submissions open Feb 5th, 2025, and will close on the deadline of Sunday, Feb 16th, at midnight (MST), 2025.

Text Requirements: 12 pt font, Times New Roman; single space for poetry unless intentionally altered. Please include title on all submissions. Save as a .doc/ .docx/ or .rtf file.

If your poem is accepted and relies on shape, spacing, and/or page white space, we will strive to maintain the desired look for publication. 

Thank you to all of our submitters! We truly look forward to reading your best, and are honored to have the opportunity to do so. Our staff is working hard to curate an incredible edition of the Progenitor Art and Literary Journal, here on the eve of our 60th Anniversary Edition!

Flash Fiction and Short Story 

You may submit once to the Fiction category, and up to two (2) works of original and previously unpublished fiction.


Please submit your fiction here!  All work must be original and previously unpublished, and without use of any AI assistance whatsoever. 

The word count limit: 2,500 words max for all prose. We love all story lengths! Send us your flash, your micro, and your longer short stories. We define "flash fiction" as stories that are 1,000 words or fewer. 

You may submit only one submission to the Fiction genre, with up to two stories included in that one submission--please upload each piece as its own file, ideally saved by the title name.  

Bonus story submission!: As a way to encourage "short-flash," you are permitted to include one extra story (bonus!) if it is 500 words or fewer.   

Your name must not appear on the manuscript or as part of the manuscript file name. 

Before you submit, you'll be asked to complete a form, where we ask for your: submission title (give titles of each story)/ name/ email address/ mailing address/ and a 25 word author bio. 

In the author bio, we're just looking to share a little something about you if we publish your work. Our list of contributors is lengthy but we like to put your name and bio in our book--thus, the 25-word limit. 

Following the bio, if you have an author site you'd like to share, cut-n-paste it there. We will try to include the link in the online version of our book site.  
Also, please include a telephone number by which we can reach you! 

Then, you'll upload your story file(s). 

 To submit, click the Submit button. We do not charge fees for submissions.    

Please remember to proofread your work carefully before submitting.

We will notify you through the Submittable system whether your work has been accepted or declined, within 3-6 weeks after the submission period has ended. Sorry, but our timeline does not allow us the opportunity to provide feedback on submissions. 

Submissions open Feb 5th, 2025, and will close on the deadline of Sunday, Feb 16th, at midnight (MST), 2025.

Text Requirements: 12 pt font, Times New Roman; single (or multiple) spaced. 

Please include title on all submissions. Save as a .doc/ .docx/ or .rtf file.       

Thank you to all of our submitters! We truly look forward to reading your best, and are honored to have the opportunity to do so. Our staff is working hard to curate an incredible edition of the Progenitor Art and Literary Journal, here on the eve of our 60th Anniversary Edition!

CNF    Please submit your creative nonfiction work here! All work must be original and previously unpublished, and without use of any AI assistance whatsoever. 

Note: This is blind submission; please do not put your name on the manuscript or even in the file name. 

You may make one submission to Creative Nonfiction, and include up to TWO works in that submission, as separate file uploads. Each sub should not exceed 2,500 words.

We also dig "flash memoir," true stories that are 1,000 words or fewer. 

We consider all sub-genres that fall under the CNF genre and that follow the genre expectations of nonfiction i.e. fact-based work and stories based on true events, including but not limited to literary journalism, travel writing, memoir, personal essay, and so on. Our Design team will strive to honor the appearance of footnotes etc. if your piece utilizes this sort of device.      

The word count limit: 2,500 words max for all prose. We love all story lengths! Send us your flash, your micro, and your longer true stories. 

Bonus CNF submission!: As a way to encourage "short-flash CNF," you are permitted to include one extra piece (bonus!) if it is 500 words or fewer for a total of three pieces in your one submission.   

Your name must not appear on the manuscript or as part of the manuscript file name. 

Before you submit, you'll be asked to complete a form, where we ask for your: submission title (give titles of each piece)/ name/ email address/ mailing address/ and a 25 word author bio. 

In the author bio, we're just looking to share a little something about you if we publish your work. Our list of contributors is lengthy but we like to put your name and bio in our book--thus, the 25-word limit. 

Following the bio, if you have an author site you'd like to share, cut-n-paste it there. We will try to include the link in the online version of our book site.  

Also, please include a telephone number by which we can reach you! 

Then, you'll upload your story file(s). 

Once all is in order, to submit, click the Submit button. We do not charge fees for submissions.    

Please remember to proofread your work carefully before submitting.

We will notify you through the Submittable system whether your work has been accepted or declined, within 3-6 weeks after the submission period has ended. Sorry, but our timeline does not allow us the opportunity to provide feedback on submissions. 

Submissions open Feb 5th, 2025, and will close on the deadline of Sunday, Feb 16th, at midnight (MST), 2025.

Text Requirements: 12 pt font, Times New Roman; single (or multiple) spaced. 

Please include title on all submissions. Save as a .doc/ .docx/ or .rtf file.       

Thank you to all of our submitters! We truly look forward to reading your best, and are honored to have the opportunity to do so. Our staff is working hard to curate an incredible edition of the Progenitor Art and Literary Journal, here on the eve of our 60th Anniversary Edition!


Please submit your Art and Photography work here! 

All work must be original and previously unpublished, and without use of any AI assistance whatsoever

We welcome all forms of art, including paintings, photography, jewelry, ceramics, woodworking, sculpture, and so on.

Photos of art must be of one's own art (rather than, say, a photo of a piece of public art not one's own). 

We also err on the side of caution when it comes to copyright infringement, so we can't consider, say, your own rendition of Mickey Mouse. 

You may make one submission to Art & Photography, and upload up to three different files for that submission--technical parameters below. Your name must not appear on the work (exceptions granted to works in which the artist's name is a part of the work, e.g. a painting.)

Before you submit, you'll be asked to complete a form, where we ask for your: submission title (give titles of each of the pieces)/ name/ email address/ mailing address/ and a 25 word artist bio. 

In the artist bio, we're just looking to share a little something about you if we publish your work. Our list of contributors is lengthy but we like to put your name and bio in our book--thus the 25-word limit. 

Following the bio, if you have an artist site you'd like to share, cut-n-paste it there. We will try to include the link in the online version of our book site.     

Also, after the bio, please tell us about the medium(s) used to create the art, which we may or may not include in print on the page the art appears on (this is a design decision that is made later in the process). 

Then, you'll upload your (up to) three files for the Art & Photography section, which should be saved under their title

Also, please include a telephone number by which we can reach you! 

Then, you'll upload your digital files. 

To submit, click the Submit button. We do not charge fees for submissions.    

Please, title each piece. 

Submission deadline of Sunday, Feb 16th 2025 at midnight.  

Please follow these Visual Art Requirements carefully: Photos of all works must be 8 megapixels or higher for art work, photography, photos of art and jewelry etc. If work is selected, you may be asked to provide a new file with the appropriate production values if you miss them on the first try.

If you have an illustrated story you'd like to submit (graphic novel/ comic/etc.), we have that as its own category! 

Thank you to all of our submitters! We truly look forward to enjoying your best artistic endeavors, and are honored to have the opportunity to do so. Our staff is working hard to curate an incredible edition of the Progenitor Art and Literary Journal, here on the eve of our 60th Anniversary Edition!


Illustrated Story / Comic category is for works that have both a narrative and a drawing/ graphic art element. We will also consider single-panel or three-panel comics. 

Please submit your Illustrated Story / Comic work here.  Your work must be original and unpublished, and without use of any AI assistance whatsoever.

You may make one submission to Illustrated Story/Comic, and upload up to three files for that submission; in other words, we will consider a max of three different illustrated stories / comics.

Please title each submission file. 

For the purpose of a "blind review" process, we ask that you not include your name on the work itself nor the file name. An exception would be if the artist name is embedded in the work itself and not easily extracted. 

Before you submit, you'll be asked to complete a form, where we ask for your: submission title (give title of each story/comic submission)/ name/ email address/ mailing address/ and a 25 word author bio. 

In the author bio, we're just looking to share a little something about you if we publish your work. Our list of contributors is lengthy but we like to put your name and bio in our book--thus the 25-word limit. 

Following the bio, if you have an author/artist site you'd like to share, cut-n-paste it there. We will try to include the link in the online version of our book site. 

Also, please include a telephone number by which we can reach you! 

Then, you'll upload your (up to) three illustrated story/comic files--please save each file by the title of the piece.

Please remember to proofread your work carefully before submitting. We will notify you through the Submittable system whether your work has been accepted or declined, within 3-6 weeks after the submission period has ended. 

Submission deadline: Sunday, Feb 16th, at midnight (MST), 2025.

 We will notify you through the Submittable system whether your work has been accepted or declined, within 3-6 weeks after the submission period has ended. 


Please submit your 10-Minute Play here!  Your work must be original and previously unpublished, and without use of any AI assistance whatsoever. 

If your play was chosen for production but not published in print, you're good--and also, congrats! You can share production information after your bio. 

You are allowed one submission to 10-Minute Play.  Plays should not exceed ten (10) pages, excluding the cover page (with no name on it). 

Because we aim to review submissions "blind," your name must not appear on the manuscript or the manuscript file name. 

The cover page of the play should have the title of the play, list of characters, and setting. 

Before you submit, you'll be asked to complete a form, where we ask for your: submission title (give title of the play)/ name/ email address/ mailing address/ and a 25 word author bio. 

In the author bio, we're just looking to share a little something about you if we publish your work. Our list of contributors is lengthy but we like to put your name and bio in our book--thus the 25-word limit. 

Following the bio, if you have a playwright or author site you'd like to share, cut-n-paste it there. We will try to include the link in the online version of our book site. 

Also, please include a telephone number by which we can reach you! 

Then, you'll upload your story file(s). 

To submit, click the Submit button. We do not charge fees for submissions. 

Please remember to proofread your work carefully before submitting. 

We will notify you through the Submittable system whether your work has been accepted or declined, within 3-6 weeks after the submission period has ended. 

Submission deadline: Sunday, Feb 16th at midnight. 

Text Requirements: 12 pt font, Times New Roman; standard playwriting format. 

Please include title on the submission. Save as a .doc/ .docx/ or .rtf file.

Thank you to all of our submitters! We truly look forward to reading your best, and are honored to have the opportunity to do so. Our staff is working hard to curate an incredible edition of the Progenitor Art and Literary Journal, here on the eve of our 60th Anniversary Edition!

Progenitor Art and Literary Journal